Field Sports Indoor/Outdoor Kickball Rules
I. General Information
a. Teams may consist of 8-15 players.
b. Payment is due at time of registration.
c. All captains must return a completed team waiver before the start of the league.
d. Teams can consist of all genders.
e. Game Length: Indoor games = 9 innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first. Outdoor games = 7 innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first.
f. There will be a 10-run rule in effect per team per inning (except for the last inning). After 10 runs have been scored the teams will switch sides.
g. If the score of the game is tied after the last inning or 60 minutes, the result is a tie. Playoff games will move to extra innings until game is finished.
h. Roster maximum of fifteen (15) players.
i. Defensively on the field: Indoor (7, 3 female) and Outdoor (10, 4 female). Indoor leagues do not require a catcher.
j. Teams may begin with as little as 5 players on the field without taking a forfeit.
k. There will be 1 umpire for each contest
l. During each contest 1-8.5 inch Playground Ball will be used.
m. Fields lie within clearly marked foul lines and bases.
n. Players must wear tennis shoes for Indoor leagues. Any shoes are acceptable for Outdoor Leagues
o. Kicking lineup must include players in the field but can also include players not playing the field. Lineup must be presented to umpire before game begins. Each team will have a designated captain. Team captains are required to provide all team members with a full version of the rules. Field Sports will provide a complete set of rules to the captains of each team.
II. League Format
a. Each team will be guaranteed 6 weeks of play.
b. The last week will conclude with a tournament.
c. Coed Leagues will have a minimum of (3-Indoor, 4-Outdoor) females on the field. Batting order must have no more than a 3/1, male/female ratio.
*There is currently no "automatic female walk" rule when a male is walked. The is a recreational league for fun gameplay.*
III. Officials
a. The umpire has jurisdiction over play and may: (1) Call time out (2) Penalize a player- includes warning and ejections
b. Only captains may dispute a call with the umpire.
IV. Pitching/Fielding
a. Pitcher shall pitch the ball underhand
b. Strike zone extends to 16 inches (estimate) on either side of home plate.
c. Bounces are allowed up to 10 inches (estimate) high.
d. Pitcher must stay behind or be in contact with the pitcher's "rubber" until pitched ball is released and may not move in front of "rubber" to field a ball until the ball is kicked.
e. No defensive player may field in front of the pitcher until the ball is kicked.
f. Once pitcher has the ball in control at mound area, play ends. Runners may continue to next base if they are already in motion to base.
g. Defensive players may not cross the 1st to 3rd base diagonal line until the ball is kicked. Failure to comply results in a base given to the kicker.
h. Any reasonably catchable fly ball that is intentionally dropped in order to force a runner out will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and all runners currently on base will be ruled safe. Call belongs to the discretion of the umpire.
V. Kicking
a. Teams must have a batting order and kick in order throughout game. Captains are allowed to challenge with umpire if kicking team kicks out of order.
b. Kicking order will consist of alternating male and female players when possible.
c. All kicks must be made with the foot. Any contact below the knee will be considered a kick.
d. All kicks must occur at or behind home kicking mark. Stepping beyond home kicking mark results in a strike if the ball is not caught; if the ball is caught the kicker is out.
e. Kicker can take no more than 3 steps toward home plate.
f. No bunting. If a kicked ball intentionally does not reach 1st to 3rd base diagonal line the kick is a strike. Bunted balls are at the discretion of the umpire.
VI. Base Running
a. Runners must stay within the base line. Fielders must stay out of the baseline unless they are attempting to tag a runner or catch the ball. Fielders attempting a force out may have one foot on base, but must lean out of the baseline. Runners unfairly hindered by a fielder shall be safe at the base to which they were running.
b. No lead offs or steals. Runners cannot run until ball is kicked. Anyone who leaves the base before ball is kicked will be called out.
c. Sliding is strongly discouraged.
d. Hitting a runner with the ball above the shoulder level is not allowed. Any runner hit above the shoulder level shall be safe at the base to which they were running and play will be considered dead.
(1) If the runner intentionally uses their head to block the ball, runner will be called out.
(2) If the runner is diving, ducking, or sliding to dodge the ball and is hit in the head as a result, the runner is out.
e. After a kicked ball is caught, runners must tag their original base before proceeding to the next base.
f. All ties go to the runner.
g. Runner may overrun first base. If runner advances toward second base, runner can be tagged.
h. A base runner may not advance in front of another runner or touch the runner ahead. The result is an out.
VII. Strikes/Balls
a. A count of three (3) strikes is an out.
b. Each kicker starts with a 1 strike-1 ball count.
c. A strike is: (1) A pitch that is missed by the kicker (2) A kick occurring in front of home plate that is not caught (3) A ball that is kicked in foul territory.
d. A count of two (2) fouls is an out.
e. A ball is: (1) A pitch outside the strike zone that is not touched by the kicker (2) A ball that does not reach the plate (3) A ball that bounces higher than 10 inches any times it is pitched to the plate.
f. Encourage kicks instead of taking bases on balls.
VIII. Fouls
a. A foul is: (1) A kick that lands out of bounds (2) A kick landing inbounds but travels out of bounds before reaching first or third base (Any ball touched by a fielder in fair play territory is in play).
IX. Outs
a. A count of three outs completes the team’s half of the inning.
b. An out is: (1) A count of three strikes (2) A runner touched by the ball while not on base (3) Any kicked ball (fair or foul) that is caught before it hits the ground (4) A ball tag on a base to which a runner is forced to run (force out) (5) Any runner off the base before the ball is kicked (6) Kicking out of kicking order.
X. Indoor House Rules
a. Any ball that contacts the over head or side netting as a result of a kick is live, as long as it lands in fair play territory. A ball that is caught after making contact with the over head or side netting will be an out.
b. Any ball that contacts a wall is live, but cannot be caught for an out.
c. Any ball which becomes stuck behind the netting as a result of a kick or throw will result in one base advance.
d. Any ball that is kicked up into the overhead net and gets stuck will result in a strike but can not be a third strike out. If this occurs, the batter will get one more kick
e. The team that is batting will gather in the bench area. Batting teams may use a base coach at 3rd and/or 1st base. However, any interference by the base coach with a defensive player will result in an out of the batting players and on base runners will return to their previous base.
f. The midfield white line will serve as an out of bounds line. If a live ball crosses that line during play, then play will be called dead and on base runners may advance one additional base.
g. Any kicked ball contacting a marked "hitting zone" will result in an immediate dead ball and baserunners safely advancing the marked amount.
XI. Sportsmanship
a. All teams and/or players are required to use proper language during the league.
b. All players are required to treat Field Sports umpires and staff with respect and courtesy.
c. Field Sports reserves the right to disqualify any participant that acts unsportsmanlike during the league.
d. Any player who intentionally throws at another players head, or continuously throws above the shoulder level will be ejected from the game and possibly from the league. Call belongs to discretion of the official.
e. Players tagging or throwing the ball at a runner should use reasonable force. Any player using excessive force will be ejected from the game and possibly from the league. Call belongs to discretion of the official.
f. Players are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages before games. Field Sports reserves the right to disqualify any person that has consumed excessive alcoholic beverages during the tournament. No drinks on field.
g. Only the designated team captain is permitted to speak with officials. Teams will be given 1 verbal warning; any other player interacting with officials will be disqualified from the match and possibly from the game at the discretion of the official.
Field Sports Referees and Administrators reserve the right to amend or modify rules at any time during the season for the safety and enjoyment of participating players.